He is Mechatronic Engineering and MsC in Biomedical Engineer. Currently I am a Ph.D student in Computer Science in the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. There exist many different domains in which the study of complex movement is a crucial issue. I am very interested in the analysis of complex movements using a set of computational tools and mathematical models to provide a qualitative and quantitative description of the dynamics associated with a particular movement. Applications considered in my Ph.D thesis are diverse, from a gait markerless analysis to detect pathological movement, the study and development of locomotion models to simulate neuromuscular disorders, to the tracking of a heart registered with magnetic resonance cine, the prostrate captured in a CBCT images during a period of time, the detection of abnormal human movements in surveillance aplication.
- Estimation of gastrointestinal polyp dimensions using video endoscopy.
- Multimodal Integration data for Human Gait Analysis
- Automatic 3D segmentation of the prostate on magnetic resonance images for radiotherapy planning
- Quantification of cardiac patterns using spatio-temporal analysis of the right ventricle
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- Eye movement characterization during gait for Parkinson´s Disease Recognition
Álvarez, C., Martínez, F. & Romero, E. (2017) "A multiresolution prostate representation for automatic segmentation in magnetic resonance images". Medical Physics, vol 44(4), pp 1312-1223
Martínez, F., Ruano, J., Gómez, M. & Romero, E. (2015) "Estimating the size of polyps during actual endoscopy procedures using a spatio-temporal characterization". Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics doi:10.1016/j.compmedimag.2015.01.002, vol 43, pp 130-136
Martinez, F., Manzanera, A. & Romero, E. (2015) "Automatic Analysis and Characterization of the hummingbird wings motion using dense optical flow features". Bioinspiration & Biomimetics , vol 10(1), pp 016006
Martínez, F., Romero, E., Drëán, G., Simon, A., Haigron, P., Crevoisier, R.d. & Acosta, O. (2014) "Segmentation of pelvic structures for planning CT using a geometrical shape model tuned by a multi-scale edge detector.". Journal of Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol 59(6), pp 1471-1484
Martinez, F., Cifuentes, C. & Romero, E. (2013) "Simulation of normal and pathological gaits using a fusion knowledge strategy". Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol 10, pp 73
Fabio Martínez, Francisco Gómez, Eduardo Romero. A kinematic method for computing the motion of the body centre-of-mass (CoM) during walking: a Bayesian approach. Journal of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 14(6):561-72 (2010)
Trujillo, D., Martínez, F., Atehortúa, A., Alvarez, C. & Romero, E. (2015) "A characterization of Parkinson´s disease by describing the visual field motion during gait". 11th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Cuenca-Ecuador), vol 9681, pp 1-6
Trujillo, D., Martínez, F. & Romero, E. (2015) "Characterizing the eye trajectory during the gait towards Parkinson stage identification". 10th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis
Cárdenas, L., Martínez, F. & Romero, E. (2015) "Simulation of Parkinsonian gait by fusing trunk learned patterns and a lower limb first order model". 10th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis
Alvarez, C., Martinez, F. & Romero, E. (2014) "An automatic multi-atlas prostate segmentation in MRI using a multiscale representation and a label fusion strategy". X International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Cartagena, Colombia), vol 9287, pp 1-5
Martínez, F., Manzanera, A. & Romero, E. (2014) "Representing activities with layers of velocity statistics for multiple human action recognition in surveillance applications". SPIE Electronic Imaging. San Francisco. USA
Atehortúa, A., Martínez, F. & Romero, E. (2013) "A Novel Right Ventricle Segmentation Approach from Local Spatio-Temporal MRI Information". 18th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP´13)
Atehortúa, A., Martínez, F. & Romero, E. (2013) "A novel right ventricle segmentation strategy using local spatio-temporal MRI information with a prior regularizer term". IX International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM´13)
Alvarez, C., Martinez, F. & Romero, E. (2013) "A novel atlas-based approach for MRI prostate segmentation using multiscale points of interest". IX International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Mexico D.F., Mexico), vol 8922, pp 1-6
A motion descriptor based on statistics of optical flow orientations for action classification in video-surveillance. Fabio Martínez, Antoine Manzanera, Eduardo Romero. International Conference on Multimedia and Signal Processing (CMSP’12). Shangai-China.
Cifuentes, C., Martinez, F. & Romero, E. (2012) "A 3D Physics-based model to simulate normal and pathological gait patterns". 7th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imagin and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - VISIGRAPP 2012. Roma, Italia.
Juan León, Fabio Martínez, Eduardo Romero. A Robust Background subtraction Algorithm Using The Σ-∆ Estimation, 7th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2012). Roma Italia. Febrero 2012.
Fabio Martinez, O.A. (2012) "Segmentation of pelvic structures from planning CT based on a statistical shape model with a multiscale edge detector and geometrical likelihood measures". MICCAI. Image- Guidance and Multimodal Dose Planning in Radiation Therapy. Nice, France
Cifuentes, C., Vargas, C., Sanchez, C., Leon, J., Martinez, F. & Romero, E. (2012) "Sistema de monitoreo remoto de pacientes en estado crítico utilizando la infraestructura de telecomunicaciones existente en Colombia". 8th International Seminar on Medical Image Processing and Analysis - SIPAIM. San Cristóbal, Venezuela.
Characterization of Motion Cardiac Patterns in Magnetic Resonance Cine. International conference on Image Information Processing.Fabio Martínez, Antoine Manzanera, Cristina Santa Marta, Eduardo Romero. INDIA (2011).
Fabio Martínez, Juan León, Eduardo Romero. Pathology Classification of Gait Human Gestures. 6th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Algarve Portugal. Enero 2011
Predicting Complex Patterns of Human Movements Using Bayesian Online Learning in Medical Imaging Applications. Biomedical Image Analysis and Machine Learning Technologies: Applications and Techniques (ISBN: 1605669563). Francisco Gómez, Fabio Martinez, Eduardo Romero, (2009).
Desarrollo de un laboratorio de Marcha con Integración Sincrónica mediante una arquitectura en modulos. Fabio Martínez, Francisco Gómez, Eduardo Romero. Acta Biológica Colombiana. Vol. 15 No. 10, (2010).
Cifuentes, C., Martinez, F. & Romero, E. (2010) "Análisis teórico y computacional de la marcha normal y patológica: Una revisión". Revista Med., vol 18, pp 182 - 196.
Eduardo Romero, Francisco Gómez, Fabio Martínez. Analisis de Video para Estimación del Movimiento Humano: una Revisión. Revista MED Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, ISSN: 0121-5256, Vol 17 No.1, pag 95-106, Bogota Junio 2009.
Carlos Mosquera, Fabio Martínez, Oscar Acosta, Renaud de Crevoisier, Eduardo Romero. Prostate Localization Using a Probabilistic Model. SIPAIM: VII Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Médicas. Bucaramanga. Colombia (2011)
Juan León, Fabio Martínez, Eduardo Romero. A Comparison of Σ − ∆ Background Substraction Algorithms for Gait Analysis . VII Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Información Médica (SIPAIM) 2011, Bucaramanga Colombia. Diciembre 2011
Cifuentes, C., Martinez, F. & Romero, E. (2011) "Physics-based model to simulate the parkinsonian gait". 7th International Seminar on Medical Image Processing and Analysis - SIPAIM 2011. Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Juan Carlos León, Fabio Martínez, Eduardo Romero. Classification of Pathological Gait Markerless Pattern. SIPAIM: VI Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Médicas. Bogota. Colombia (2010).
Fabio Martínez, Juan León, Eduardo Romero. Classification of Pathological Gait Markerless Patterns. VI Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Médicas (SIPAIM). Bogota Colombia .Diciembre 2010
Computational Method for Tracking the Body Center of Mass(CoM) during the Gait: A Bayesian Approach. Fabio Martínez, Francisco Gómez, Eduardo Romero.En: SIB-SIPAIM: V Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Médicas 2009.
Arquitectura Modular para Laboratorios Clínicos de Marcha. Fabio Martínez, Francisco Gómez, Eduardo Romero. III Congreso de BioIngeniería e Ingeniería BIomédica. Pereira. Colombia.(2008)
Ruano, J. & Romero, E. (2015) "Estimation of gastrointestinal polyp size in video endoscopy". Bogota (Colombia), vol 1(37), pp 37
Atehortúa, A. & Romero, E. (2014) "Quantification of cardiac patterns using a spatio-temporal analysis of the right ventricle in magnetic resonance imaging". Tesis de Maestría
Martínez, F. & Romero, E. (2009) "Modelo de Seguimiento del Centro de Masa para el Análisis Cinemático de la Marcha".
Martinez, F. (2014) "Characterization and Modelling of Complex Motion Patterns".