Born in Manizales, Colombia in 1994. Electronic and electrician engineer from the National University of Colombia. Currently a student of the master´s degree in biomedical engineering at the National University of Colombia.
Ruano, J., Jaramillo, M., Gomez, M. & Romero, E. (2022) "Robust Descriptor of Pancreatic Tissue for Automatic Detection of Pancreatic Cancer in Endoscopic Ultrasonography". Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, vol 48(1), pp 1602-1614
Ruano, J., Bravo, D., Jaramillo, M., Gómez, M., Pascau, J., Gonzalez, F. & Romero, E. (2023) "Generating synthetic endoscopy videos following a systematic screening protocol". 19th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Ciudad de México - México), vol 19(1), pp 1-5