Francisco was born in Bogotá. He was graduated in Computer Engineering at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. and presently he is finishing his work towards his master degree in Applied Mathematics at the same University. Additionally he is already accepted in the Computing PhD program, attached to the Bioingenium group and developing his thesis under Pr Romero´s supervision. He works on efficient strategies for optimal navigation in megaimages. More about Francisco:
Baquero, K., Gómez, F., Cifuentes, C., Guldenmund, P., Demertzi, A., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Gosseries, O., Tshibanda, J.F. & N, Q. (2013) "A multiscale method for a robust detection of the Default Mode Network". IX International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM´13)
Baquero, K., Gomez, F., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Demertzi, A., Tshibanda, L., Gosseries, O., Noirhomme, Q., Laureys, S., Romero, E. & o, (2012) "An index for large head motion on resting state fMRI". Human Brain Mapping. (Beijing, China)
Baquero, K., Gómez, F., Soddu, A., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Demertzi, A., Tshibanda, J.F., Gosseries, O., Noirhomme, Q. & Laureys, (2011) "A Multi-Scale Analysis to set the Default Mode Network in noisy fMRI data". Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: BC11 : Computational Neuroscience & Neurotechnology Bernstein Conference & Neurex Annual Meeting 2011. (Freiburg, Germany)
Baquero, K. & Romero, E. (2013) "Method to detect the Default Mode Network in fMRI data corrupted with head motion".
Gómez, F. (2010) "Efficient Navigation of Medical Mega-Images ".