Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
Panel de Accesibilidad
David Romo Bucheli
Biomedical Engeenering M.Sc.

David Edmundo was born in Mocoa, Putumayo. Electronic Engineer graduated in the "Universidad Nacional de Colombia" in 2007. Subsequently, was admitted in the Master´s program in Biomedical Engineering. His actual research topic is the representation of mega-image focused on the prediction in navigation tasks (i.e diagnostic exploration on histopatologic slides). His principal interes on research topics is the mathematical modeling of biological and physical systems.

Romo-Bucheli, D., Janowczyk, A., Gilmore, H., Romero, E. & Madabhushi, A. (2017) "A deep learning based strategy for identifying and associating mitotic activity with gene expression derived risk categories in estrogen receptor positive breast cancers". Cytometry Part A

Romo-Bucheli, D., Janowczyk, A., Gilmore, H., Romero, E. & Madabhushi, A. (2016) "Automated Tubule Nuclei Quantification and Correlation with Oncotype DX risk categories in ER+ Breast Cancer Whole Slide Images". Scientific Reports. Nature Publishing Group., vol 6(127)

Celis, R., Romo, D. & Romero, E. (2015) "Blind colour separation of H&E stained histological images by linearly transforming the colour space.". J Microsc. 2015 Dec; doi: 10.1111/jmi.12304. Epub 2015 Sep 10., vol 260(3), pp 377-88

Romo-Bucheli, D., Corredor, G., García-Arteaga, J.D., Arias, V. & Romero, E. (2016) "Nuclei Graph Local Features for Basal Cell Carcinoma Classification in Whole Slide Images". Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Tandil, Argentina)

Romo-Bucheli, D., Janowczyk, A., Gilmore, H., Romero, E. & Madabhushi, A. (2016) "Automated Tubule Nuclei Quantification and Correlation with Oncotype DX risk categories in ER+ Breast Cancer Whole Slide Images". Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging. San Diego (USA)

Romo, D., Moncayo, R., Cruz, A. & Romero, E. (2015) "Identifying histological concepts on basal cell carcinoma images using nuclei based sampling and multi-scale descriptors". ISBI (Nueva york-USA)

Moncayo, R., Romo, D. & Romero, E. (2015) "A Grading Strategy for Nuclear Pleomorphism in Histopathological Breast Cancer Images Using a Bag of Features". CIARP (Montevideo-Uruguay)

Moncayo, R., Romo-Bucheli, D. & Romero, E. (2015) "A Grading Strategy for Nuclear Pleomorphism in Histopathological Breast Cancer Images Using a Bag of Features (BOF)". CIARP, pp 75-82

Romo-Bucheli, D., Moncayo, R., Cruz-Roa, A. & Romero, E. (2015) "Identifying histological concepts on basal cell carcinoma images using nuclei based sampling and multi-scale descriptors". ISBI

Romo, D., García-Arteaga, J.D., Arbeláez, P. & Romero, E. (2014) "A discriminant multi-scale histopathology descriptor using dictionary learning". SPIE Medical Imaging, pp 90410Q--90410Q

Romo, D., Tarquino, J., Garcia-Arteaga, J.D. & Romero, E. (2013) "Virtual Slide Mosaicing Using Feature Descriptors and a Registration Consistency Measure". IX International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Ciudad de México, México), vol 8922, pp 89220Q

Romo, D., Romero, E. & González, F. (2011) "Learning regions of interest from low level maps in virtual microscopy". Proceedings of the 10th European Congress on Telepathology and 4th International Congress on Virtual Microscopy. Diagnostic Pathology, vol 6, pp http://www.diag

Romo, D. (2017) "Automatic identification of pathological markers in histopathological images". .