Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
Panel de Accesibilidad
Eduardo Romero Castro
MD, Msc, PhD

Coming soon...

Ruano, J., Gómez, M., Romero, E. & Manzanera, A. (2024) "Leveraging a realistic synthetic database to learn Shape-from-Shading for estimating the colon depth in colonoscopy images". Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol 115(1), pp 1-22

Ruano, J., Jaramillo, M., Gomez, M. & Romero, E. (2022) "Robust Descriptor of Pancreatic Tissue for Automatic Detection of Pancreatic Cancer in Endoscopic Ultrasonography". Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, vol 48(1), pp 1602-1614

Giraldo, D.L., Sijbers, J. & Romero, E. (2021) "Quantification of cognitive impairment to characterize heterogeneity of patients at risk of developing Alzheimer´s disease dementia". Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, vol 13(1), pp e12237

Alvarez-Jimenez, C., Sandino, A.A., Prasanna, P., Gupta, A., Viswanath, S.E. & Romero, E. (2020) "Identifying Cross-Scale Associations between Radiomic and Pathomic Signatures of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Subtypes: Preliminary Results". Cancers, vol 12(12), pp 3363-3380

Alvarez-Jimenez, C., Antunes, J.T., Talasila, N., Bera, K., Brady, J.T., Gollamudi, J., Marderstein, E., Kalady, M.F., al, e., Romero, E., Madabhushi, A. & Viswanath, S.E. (2020) "Radiomic Texture and Shape Descriptors of the Rectal Environment on Post-Chemoradiation T2-Weighted MRI are Associated with Pathologic Tumor Stage Regression in Rectal Cancers: A Retrospective, Multi-Institution Study". Cancers, vol 12(8), pp 1-20

Atehortúa, A., Garreau, M., Simon, A., Donal, E., Lederlin, M. & Romero, E. (2020) "Fusion of 3D real-time echocardiography and cine MRI using a saliency analysis". International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol 15(11)

Alvarez-Jimenez, C., Múnera, N., Zuluaga, M.A., Velasco, N.F. & Romero, E. (2019) "Autism spectrum disorder characterization in children by capturing local and regional brain changes in MRI". Medical Physics, vol 47(1), pp 119-131

Corredor, G., Wang, X., Zhou, Y., Lu, C., Fu, P., Syrigos, K., Rimm, D.L., Yang, M., Romero, E., Schalper, K.A., Velcheti, V. & Madabhushi, A. (2018) "Spatial architecture and arrangement of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes for predicting likelihood of recurrence in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer". Clinical Cancer Research

Narváez, F., Alvarez, J., Garcia-Arteaga, J.D., Tarquino, J. & Romero, E. (2017) "Characterizing Architectural Distortion in Mammograms by Linear Saliency". Journal of medical systems, vol 41(2)

Martínez, F., Manzanera, A. & Romero, E. (2017) "A spatio-temporal multi-scale motion descriptor from a spatially-constrained decomposition for online action recognition". accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal

Romo-Bucheli, D., Janowczyk, A., Gilmore, H., Romero, E. & Madabhushi, A. (2017) "A deep learning based strategy for identifying and associating mitotic activity with gene expression derived risk categories in estrogen receptor positive breast cancers". Cytometry Part A

Corredor, G., Whitney, J., Arias, V., Madabhushi, A. & Romero, E. (2017) "Training a cell level classifier for detecting basal cell carcinoma by combining human visual attention maps with low level handcrafted features". Journal of Medical Imaging, vol 4(2)

Álvarez, C., Martínez, F. & Romero, E. (2017) "A multiresolution prostate representation for automatic segmentation in magnetic resonance images". Medical Physics, vol 44(4), pp 1312-1223

Narváez, F., Álvarez, J., García-Arteaga, J. & Romero, E. (2017) "Architectural Distortion in Mammograms by Linear Saliency". Journal of Medical Systems, vol 41(26)

Velasco, N., Rueda, A., Marta, C.S. & Romero, E. (2016) "A sparse Bayesian representation for super-resolution of cardiac MR images". Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol 36, pp 77 - 85

Narváez, F., Díaz, G., Poveda, C. & Romero, E. (2016) "An Automatic BI-RADS Description of Breast Masses by Fusing Multiresolution Features Expert Systems With Applications". Expert Systems with Applications, vol 74, pp 82-95

Cifuentes, C., Godoy, J. & Romero, E. (2016) "Design and implementation of a tele-pediatric low-cost system applied to primary-level of care hospitals to reduce the unnecessary patient transfer in Bogotá Colombia: A pilot study". Telemedicine and e-Health

Atehortúa, A., Zuluaga, M.A., García, J. & Romero, E. (2016) "Automatic segmentation of right ventricle in cardiac cine MR images using a saliency analysis". Medical physics, vol 43(12), pp 6270-6281

Romo-Bucheli, D., Janowczyk, A., Gilmore, H., Romero, E. & Madabhushi, A. (2016) "Automated Tubule Nuclei Quantification and Correlation with Oncotype DX risk categories in ER+ Breast Cancer Whole Slide Images". Scientific Reports. Nature Publishing Group., vol 6(127)

Arevalo, J., Cruz-Roa, A., Arias, V., Romero, E. & González, F.A. (2015) "An unsupervised feature learning framework for basal cell carcinoma image analysis". Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol 64(2), pp 131-145

Celis, R., Romo, D. & Romero, E. (2015) "Blind colour separation of H&E stained histological images by linearly transforming the colour space.". J Microsc. 2015 Dec; doi: 10.1111/jmi.12304. Epub 2015 Sep 10., vol 260(3), pp 377-88

Martínez, F., Ruano, J., Gómez, M. & Romero, E. (2015) "Estimating the size of polyps during actual endoscopy procedures using a spatio-temporal characterization". Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics doi:10.1016/j.compmedimag.2015.01.002, vol 43, pp 130-136

Corredor, G., Romero, E. & Iregui, M. (2015) "An adaptable navigation strategy for Virtual Microscopy from mobile platforms". Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol 54, pp 39-49

Martinez, F., Manzanera, A. & Romero, E. (2015) "Automatic Analysis and Characterization of the hummingbird wings motion using dense optical flow features". Bioinspiration & Biomimetics , vol 10(1), pp 016006

Martínez, F., Romero, E., Drëán, G., Simon, A., Haigron, P., Crevoisier, R.d. & Acosta, O. (2014) "Segmentation of pelvic structures for planning CT using a geometrical shape model tuned by a multi-scale edge detector.". Journal of Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol 59(6), pp 1471-1484

Rueda, A., González, F. & Romero, E. (2014) "Extracting Salient Brain Patterns for Imaging-Based Classification of Neurodegenerative Diseases". IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol 33(6), pp 1262-1274

Martinez, F., Cifuentes, C. & Romero, E. (2013) "Simulation of normal and pathological gaits using a fusion knowledge strategy". Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol 10, pp 73

Rueda, A., Malpica, N. & Romero, E. (2013) "Single-image Super-Resolution of Brain MR Images using Overcomplete Dictionaries". Medical Image Analysis, vol 17(1), pp 113-132

Gloria Diaz and Eduardo Romero. Micro-structural Tissue Analysis for Automatic Histopathological Image Annotation. Microscopy Research and Technique.Microscopy Research and Technique Volume 75, Issue 3, pages 343–358, March 2012

Gómez, F., Marín, D. & Romero, E. (2011) "A Soft-cache Strategy for Pathologist´s Navigation in Virtual Microscopy". Microscopy Research and Technique, vol 74(5), pp 401-414

Gómez Francisco, Santa-Marta C, Romero Eduardo. Multiresolution reconstruction for Cone-Beam Tomography from raw data projections using 3D Ridgelets. Journal of Digital Imaging, 2011: Volume 24, Issue 6 (2011), Page 1087-1095.

Juan C Caicedo, Fabio Gonzalez, Eduardo Romero. Content-Based Histopathology Image Retrieval Using a Kernel-based Semantic Annotation Framework. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2011 Aug;44(4):519-28.

Angel Cruz-Roa, Gloria Díaz, Eduardo Romero, Fabio González. Automatic Annotation of Histopathological Images Using a Latent Topic Model Based On Non-negative Matrix Factorization. Journal of Pathology Informatics.2011;2:4 .

RICARDO ENRIQUE GUTIÉRREZ, FRANCISCO GÓMEZ, LUC͍A ROA-PEÑA AND EDUARDO ROMERO, "A Supervised Visual Model for Finding Regions of Interest in Basal Cell Carcinoma Images", Diagnostic Pathology, 2011

Fabio Martínez, Francisco Gómez, Eduardo Romero. A kinematic method for computing the motion of the body centre-of-mass (CoM) during walking: a Bayesian approach. Journal of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 14(6):561-72 (2010)

Rueda, A., Acosta, O., Couprie, M., Bourgeat, P., Fripp, J., Dowson, N., Romero, E. & Salvado, O. (2010) "Topology-corrected segmentation and local intensity estimates for improved partial volume classification of brain cortex in MRI". Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol 188(2), pp 305-315

Martínez, F., Gómez, F. & Romero, E. A kinematic method for computing the motion of the body centre-of-mass (CoM) during walking: a Bayesian approach. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2011 Jun;14(6):561-72.

Gómez, F. & Romero, E. (2009) "A Model for Predicting Pathologist´s Velocity Profiles When Navigating Virtual Slides". Microscopy Research and Technique, vol 73, pp 85-98

Francisco Gómez, Eduardo Romero. Rotation Invariant Texture Charaterization using a Curverlet Based Descriptor. Pattern Recognition Letters ISSN: 0167-8655 ed: North-Holland v.36 fasc.16 p.2178 - 2186 ,2011

Gloria Diaz, Fabio Gonzalez and Eduardo Romero. A Semi-Automatic Method for Quantification and Classification of Erythrocytes Infected with Malaria Parasites in Microscopic Images. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2009 Apr;42(2):296-307.

Juan C. Caicedo, Fabio A. Gonzalez, and Eduardo Romero. A Semantic Content-Based Retrieval Method for Histopathology Images. Information Retrieval Technology. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 4993, pp. 5160, 2008

Juan C. Caicedo, Fabio A. Gonzalez, and Eduardo Romero. Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval Using Low-Level Visual Features and Modality Identification. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 5152, pp. 615622, 2008

Hugo Franco, Álvaro Perea, Eduardo Romero and Daniel Rodríguez. Fluid Flow Measurement inThermographic Video Sequences by Wavelet-multiresolution Optical Flow Estimation . "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" (LNCS) series, 5259 pp 310-321, 2008.

Iregui, Marcela, Gómez Francisco, Romero Eduardo: Strategies for efficient virtual microscopy in pathological samples using JPEG2000, Micron Vol 38 pp 700-713, 2007.

Gomez Francisco, Iregui Marcela, Romero Eduardo, Virtual microscopy using JPEG2000. Lectures Notes in Computer Science series. Springer Verlang. LNCS 4673. 2007. Pag. 181-8

Juan C. Caicedo, Fabio A. Gonzalez, Edwin Triana, and Eduardo Romero, Design of a Medical Image Database with Content-Based Retrieval Capabilities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 4872, pp. 919-931, 2007.

Gloria Díaz, Fabio Gonzalez and Eduardo Romero. Infected Cell Identification in Thin Blood Images Based on Color Pixel Classification: Comparison and Analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science" (LNCS) series, Springer Verlang,Vol 4756 pp 812-821 2007.

Gloria Díaz, Fabio Gonzalez and Eduardo Romero. Automatic Clump Splitting for Cell Quantification in Microscopical Images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science" (LNCS) series, Springer Verlang, Vol 4756 pp 763-772 2007.

Romero Eduardo, Denef J.F., Delbeke J., Robert A. and Veraart C. : Neural effects of the sel-sizing spiral nerve cuff electrode. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol 39 pp 90-100, 2001.

Romero Eduardo, Cuisenaire O., Denef J.F., Delbeke J., Macq B. and Veraart C. : Automatic morphometry of nerve histological sections. J. Neurosc. Meth., Vol 97, pp 111-122, 2000.

Parrini S., Delbeke J., Romero Eduardo. Legat V. and Veraart C: Hybrid finite elements and spectral mehod for computation of the electric potential generated by a nerve cuff electrode. Med. & Biol. Engin. & Comput., Vol 37, pp 733-736, 1999.

Romero Eduardo, Fresquet N., Delbeke J., Denef J.F. and Veraart C. Assessment of the biocompatibility of a chronically implanted nerve cuff electrode. PflÁ¼gers Archiv Eur. J. Physiol., 1999, 437 : R45.

Ruano, J., Bravo, D., Giraldo, D., Gómez, M. & Romero, E. (2024) "Estimating polyp size from a single colonoscopy image using a shape-from-shading model". 21st IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (Atenas-Grecia), vol 1(1), pp 1-5

Ruano, J., Bravo, D., Jaramillo, M., Gómez, M., Pascau, J., Gonzalez, F. & Romero, E. (2023) "Generating synthetic endoscopy videos following a systematic screening protocol". 19th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Ciudad de México - México), vol 19(1), pp 1-5

González, J., Silva, S., Pineda, G. & Romero, E. (2020) "Discriminating cerebral palsy by quantifying ocular motion". 15th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Medellín, Colombia)

Jara, J.D., Sandino, A.A., Atehortua, A., Ortiz, C. & Romero, E. (2019) "Speckle noise reduction in echocardiography using a bank of filters based on oriented structuring elements". 15th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis. Medellín (Colombia)

Bravo, D., Ruano, J., Gómez, M. & Romero, E. (2019) ""Automatic Polyp Localization by Low Level Superpixel Features". 15th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Medellín, Colombia)". Medellín (Colombia)

Antunes, J., Wei, Z., Alvarez, C., Romero, E., Ismail, M., Madabhushi, A., Tiwari, P. & Viswanath, S. (2019) "STructural Rectal Atlas Deformation (StRAD) Features for Characterizing Intra- and Peri-wall Chemoradiation Response on MRI". International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI (Shenzhen, China), vol 11767, pp 611-619

Múnera, N., Álvarez, C., Gonzalez, F. & Romero, E. (2019) "Adaptive frequency saliency model based on convolutional neural networks: a case study for prostate cancer". 15th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Medellín, Colombia), vol 11330, pp 113300B

Alvarez, C., Barrera, C., Múnera, N., Viswanath, S.E. & Romero, E. (2019) "Differentiating Cancerous and Non-cancerous Prostate Tissue Using Multi-scale Texture Analysis on MRI". 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC (Berlín, Alemania), pp 2695-2698

Sandino, A.A., Alvarez, C., Zamudio, A.M., Viswanath, S.E. & Romero, E. (2019) "Cell density features from histopathological images to differentiate non-small cell lung cancer subtypes". 15th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis. (Medellín, Colombia), pp 1-6

David Ricaurte, G.P. (2019) "Characterizing the gait dynamic by estimating Lyapunov exponents on gait kinematic trajectories in Parkinson´s disease". SIPAIM 2019 (Medellín, Colombia), vol 11330

Corredor, G., García-Arteaga, J., Arias, V. & Romero, E. (2019) "Learning Basal Cell Carcinoma Patterns by Fusing Pathologists’ WSI Navigations and Graph-Based Centrality Features". Proc. of the 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019)

Alvarez, C., Corredor, G., Giraldo, D. & Romero, E. (2019) "Tele-Pathology: A Use Case In Colombia". Proc. of the 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging - ISBI 2019 (Venecia, Italia), pp 1417-1421

Bravo, D., Ruano, J., Gómez, M. & Romero, E. (2018) ""Automatic detection of colorectal polyps larger than 5 mm during colonoscopy procedures using Visual Descriptors". 14th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis". Mazatlán (México)

Munera, N., Almeida, J., Alvarez, C., Velasco, N. & Romero, E. (2018) "Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Characterization in Children by Decomposing MRI Brain Regions with Zernike Moments". Sipaim–Miccai Biomedical Workshop (Granada, España), pp 42-53

Sandino, A.A., Alvarez, C. & Romero, E. (2018) "Extracting multiscale patterns for classification of non-small cell lung cancer in CT images". 14th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Mazatlán, México), vol 10975, pp 1-7

González, J., Atehortúa, A., Moncayo, R. & Romero, E. (2018) "Ocular Control Characterization of Motor Disabilities: the Cerebral Palsy Case". MICCAI Biomedical Workshop (Granada, Spain)

Barrera, C., Corredor, G., Wang, X., Schalper, K.A., Rimm, D.L., Velcheti, V., Madabhushi, A. & Romero, E. (2018) "Phenotyping Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (PhenoTIL) on H&E Tissue Images: Predicting Recurrence in Lung Cancer". Proc. of SPIE Medical Imaging 2019

Toro, P., Corredor, G., Romero, E. & Arias, V. (2018) "A Visualization, Navigation, and Annotation System for Dermatopathology Training". Proc. of the 14th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Mazatlán, Mexico)

Alfonso, S., Corredor, G., Moncayo, R., Toro, P. & Romero, E. (2018) "A method to detect glands in histological gastric cancer images". Proc. of the 14th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Mazatlán, Mexico)

Barrera, C., Corredor, G., Alfonso, S., Mosquera, A. & Romero, E. (2018) "An automatic segmentation of gland nuclei in gastric cancer based on local and contextual information". Proc. of the SIPAIM-MICCAI Biomedical Workshop (Granada - Spain)

Corredor, G., Barrera, C., Toro, P., Moncayo, R., Gilmore, H., Madabhushi, A. & Romero, E. (2018) "Detection and grading of ductal carcinoma in situ by using structural features". Proc. of the 14th European Congress on Digital Pathology and the 5th Nordic Symposium on Digital Pathology (Helsinki - Finland)

Corredor, G., Wang, X., Lu, C., Romero, E. & Madabhushi, A. (2018) "A Watershed and Feature based approach for automated detection of lymphocytes on lung cancer images". Proc. of SPIE Medical Imaging 2018 (Houston, TX - USA)

González, J., Atehortúa, A., Moncayo, R. & Romero, E. (2017) "Cerebral Palsy Characterization by Estimating Ocular Motion". 13th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (San Andres Island, Colombia), vol 10572

Pineda, G., Iregui, M., García, J.D., Romero, E. & Atehortúa, A. (2017) "Quantifying stimulus-response rehabilitation protocols by auditory feedback in Parkinson´s disease gait pattern". 13th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (San Andrés- Colombia)

Toro, P., Corredor, G., Romero, E. & Arias, V. (2017) "Presentation of an annotated whole-Slide image database of Dermatopathology for Postgraduate Training in Pathology and Dermatology". Proc. of the 5th Digital Pathology Congress (London - UK)

Almeida, J., Velasco, N., Alvarez, C. & Romero, E. (2017) "Gaussian mixture models for detection of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in magnetic resonance imaging". 13th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (San Andres Island - Colombia), vol 10572, pp 1-9

Santiago, D., Corredor, G. & Romero, E. (2017) "A sparse representation of the pathologist´s interaction with whole slide images to improve the assigned relevance of regions of interest". Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (San Andres, Colombia)

García-Arteaga, J., Corredor, G., Wang, X., Velcheti, V., Madabhushi, A. & Romero, E. (2017) "A lymphocyte spatial distribution graph based method for automated classification of recurrence risk on lung cancer images". Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (San Andres, Colombia)

Toro, P., Corredor, G., Wang, X., Arias, V., Velcheti, V., Madabhushi, A. & Romero, E. (2017) "Quantifying expert diagnosis variability when grading tumor-Infiltrating lymphocytes". Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (San Andres, Colombia)

Jennifer Salguero, N.V. (2017) "Automatic Detection of Perturbed Magnetic Resonance Signal". 12th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Tandil, Argentina), pp 8

Pineda, G., Iregui, M., Romero, E. & Atehortúa, A. (2016) "Quantifying the gait pattern adaptation to auditory feedback in healthy elder adults"". 12th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Tandil-Argentina)

Lina Guzmán, F.C. (2016) "Slice Correspondence Estimation using SURF Descriptors and Context-Based Search for Prostate Whole-Mount Histology MRI Registration". EMBC 2016 (Orlando, USA)

Romo-Bucheli, D., Corredor, G., García-Arteaga, J.D., Arias, V. & Romero, E. (2016) "Nuclei Graph Local Features for Basal Cell Carcinoma Classification in Whole Slide Images". Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Tandil, Argentina)

Romo-Bucheli, D., Janowczyk, A., Gilmore, H., Romero, E. & Madabhushi, A. (2016) "Automated Tubule Nuclei Quantification and Correlation with Oncotype DX risk categories in ER+ Breast Cancer Whole Slide Images". Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging. San Diego (USA)

Guzmán, L., Corredor, G. & Romero, E. (2016) "A Radiology Image Retrieval System based on User Preferences". Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Tandil, Argentina)

Guzmán, L., Commandeur, F., Acosta, O., Simon, A., Fautrel, A., Rioux-Leclercq, N., Romero, E., Mathieu, R. & Crevoisier, R.d. (2016) "Slice Correspondence Estimation Using SURF Descriptors and Context-Based Search for Prostate Whole-Mount Histology MRI Registration". 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,Orlando (USA)

Almeida, J., Velasco, N. & Romero, E. (2016) "A multidimentional feature space for automatic classification of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)". Sipaim 2016 (Tandil - Argentina)

Romo, D., Moncayo, R., Cruz, A. & Romero, E. (2015) "Identifying histological concepts on basal cell carcinoma images using nuclei based sampling and multi-scale descriptors". ISBI (Nueva york-USA)

Moncayo, R., Romo, D. & Romero, E. (2015) "A Grading Strategy for Nuclear Pleomorphism in Histopathological Breast Cancer Images Using a Bag of Features". CIARP (Montevideo-Uruguay)

Celis, R. & Romero, E. (2015) "Unsupervised color normalisation for H&E stained histopathology image analysis". 11th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2015), (Cuenca, Ecuador).

Romo-Bucheli, D., Moncayo, R., Cruz-Roa, A. & Romero, E. (2015) "Identifying histological concepts on basal cell carcinoma images using nuclei based sampling and multi-scale descriptors". ISBI

Giraldo, D.L., García-Arteaga, J.D., Velasco, N. & Romero, E. (2015) "Finding Models to Detect Alzheimer´s Disease by Fusing Structural and Neuropsychological Information.". 11th International Seminar on Medical Image Processing and Analysis-SIPAIM

Trujillo, D., Martínez, F., Atehortúa, A., Alvarez, C. & Romero, E. (2015) "A characterization of Parkinson´s disease by describing the visual field motion during gait". 11th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Cuenca-Ecuador), vol 9681, pp 1-6

Trujillo, D., Martínez, F. & Romero, E. (2015) "Characterizing the eye trajectory during the gait towards Parkinson stage identification". 10th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis

Cárdenas, L., Martínez, F. & Romero, E. (2015) "Simulation of Parkinsonian gait by fusing trunk learned patterns and a lower limb first order model". 10th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis

Álvarez, P., Corredor, G., García-Arteaga, J. & Romero, E. (2015) "A Low Dimensional Entropy Based Descriptor of Several Tissues in Skin Cancer Histopathology Samples". Proc. of 11th International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Cuenca, Ecuador)

Corredor, G. & Romero, E. (2015) "Learning Histopathological Regions of Interest by fusing bottom-up and top-down information". Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing 2015 (Quebec city, Canada)

Becerra, L.C., Toledo, N.V. & Castro., E.R. (2014) "Sparse Bayesian framework applied to 3D super-resolution reconstruction in fetal brain MRI". 10th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Cartagena, Colombia)

Giraldo, D.L., García-Arteaga, J.D. & Romero, E. (2014) "Morphometry-Based Comparison of Relevant Brain Regions for Alzheimer´s Disease Detection.". 10th International Seminar on Medical Image Processing and Analysis-SIPAIM

Moreno, B., Atehortúa, A., Corredor, G. & Romero, E. (2014) "Registration of cardiac magnetic resonance images using SURF points and matching". Proc. of X International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Cartagena, Colombia)

Álvarez, P., Castro, G., Corredor, G. & Romero, E. (2014) "A statistical model for characterization of histopathology images ". Proc. of X International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Cartagena, Colombia)

Leon, J., Pulido, A. & Romero, E. (2014) "Discovering anatomical patterns with pathological meaning by clustering of visual primitives in structural Brain MRI". 10th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis

Alvarez, C., Martinez, F. & Romero, E. (2014) "An automatic multi-atlas prostate segmentation in MRI using a multiscale representation and a label fusion strategy". X International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Cartagena, Colombia), vol 9287, pp 1-5

Tarquino, J., Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2014) "Shearlet-based sparse representation for super-resolution in Diffusion Weighted imaging (DWI)". Proc. of the ICIP 2014 - International Conference on Image Processing (Paris, Francia), pp 3897-3900

Romo, D., García-Arteaga, J.D., Arbeláez, P. & Romero, E. (2014) "A discriminant multi-scale histopathology descriptor using dictionary learning". SPIE Medical Imaging, pp 90410Q--90410Q

Tarquino, J., Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2014) "A multiscale/sparse representation for Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) super-resolution". Proc. of the ISBI 2014 - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (Beijing, China), pp 983-986

Martínez, F., Manzanera, A. & Romero, E. (2014) "Representing activities with layers of velocity statistics for multiple human action recognition in surveillance applications". SPIE Electronic Imaging. San Francisco. USA

Giraldo, D.L., García-Arteaga, J.D. & Romero, E. (2013) "An Automatic Search of Alzheimer Patterns Using a Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.". 9th International Seminar on Medical Image Processing and Analysis-SIPAIM

Narváez, F., Poveda, C. & Romero, E. (2013) "Automatic Detection of Architectural Distortion in Mammograms using Sparse Overcomplete Dictionaries of a Curvelet Descriptor". Workshop on Breast Image Analysis - MICCAI 2013, pp 106-113

Juan C Leon, A.A. (2013) " Usability evaluation of a mobile tool to support prenatal examination". IX International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM´13)

Baquero, K., Gómez, F., Cifuentes, C., Guldenmund, P., Demertzi, A., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Gosseries, O., Tshibanda, J.F. & N, Q. (2013) "A multiscale method for a robust detection of the Default Mode Network". IX International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM´13)

Pulido, A., Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2013) "Extracting Regional Brain Patterns for Classi cation of Neurodegenerative Diseases". 9th International Seminar on Medical Image Processing and Analysis -SIPAIM. Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico.

Atehortúa, A., Martínez, F. & Romero, E. (2013) "A Novel Right Ventricle Segmentation Approach from Local Spatio-Temporal MRI Information". 18th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP´13)

Atehortúa, A., Martínez, F. & Romero, E. (2013) "A novel right ventricle segmentation strategy using local spatio-temporal MRI information with a prior regularizer term". IX International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM´13)

Alvarez, J., Narvaez, F., Romero, E. & Poveda, C. (2013) "Characterization of architectural distortion on mammograms using a Linear Energy Detector". IX International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM´13)

Alvarez, C., Martinez, F. & Romero, E. (2013) "A novel atlas-based approach for MRI prostate segmentation using multiscale points of interest". IX International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Mexico D.F., Mexico), vol 8922, pp 1-6

Romo, D., Tarquino, J., Garcia-Arteaga, J.D. & Romero, E. (2013) "Virtual Slide Mosaicing Using Feature Descriptors and a Registration Consistency Measure". IX International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Ciudad de México, México), vol 8922, pp 89220Q

Corredor, G., Iregui, M., Arias, V. & Romero, E. (2013) "Concurrent access to a virtual microscope using a web service oriented architecture". Proc. of IX International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (Mexico City, Mexico)

Corredor, G., Iregui, M., Arias, V. & Romero, E. (2013) "Flexible architecture for streaming and visualization of large virtual microscopy images". Proc. of the MICCAI - Workshop on Medical Computer Vision 2013 (Nagoya, Japan)

Pulido, A., Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2013) "Discovering Regional Pathological Patterns in Brain MRI". International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI)

León, J.C., Pinzón, A., Sánchez, C. & Romero, E. (2013) "A distributed plugin based architecture for medical image processing". Proc. SPIE 8674, Medical Imaging 2013: Advanced PACS-based Imaging Informatics and Therapeutic Applications, pp 867403-867403-5

Pulido, A., Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2013) "Classification of Alzheimer´s disease using regional saliency maps from brain MR volumes". SPIE Medical Imaging, pp 86700R--86700R

Nelson, V., Andrea, R., Cristina, S. & Eduardo, R. (2013) "Super-resolution in cardiac MRI using a bayesian approach". SPIE Medical Imaging. Orlando USA

Gutierrez, R., Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2013) "Learning semantic histopathological representation for basal cell carcinoma classification". SPIE Medical Imaging. (Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA)

Giraldo, D.L., Gutiérrez, R. & Romero, E. (2012) "Estudio del Tamaño del Campo de Análisis en la Tarea de Clasificación de IRM en Cerebros con la Enfermedad de Alzheimer.". 8th International Seminar on Medical Image Processing and Analysis-SIPAIM

Martínez, D., Corredor, G., Iregui, M. & Romero, E. (2012) "Microscopia virtual: caso de estudio desde dispositivos móviles". 8th International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (San Cristobal, Venezuela)

Martínez, D., Corredor, G., Iregui, M. & Romero, E. (2012) "An Oriented Service Multilayer Architecture for Virtual Microscopy in Mobile Devices". 11th European Congress on Telepathology and 5th International Congress on Virtual Microscopy (Venice, Italy)

Corredor, G., Martínez, D., Romero, E. & Iregui, M. (2012) "Architectural model for visualization of high definition images on mobile devices". 9th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (Rome, Italy)

Atehortúa, A., Sánchez, C. & Romero, E. (2012) "Diseño y desarrollo de un prototipo de interoperabilidad entre un sistema de planificación de recursos empresariales con un sistema de información hospitalaria usando servicios web". 8th International Seminar on Medical Image Processing and Analysis-SIPAIM (San Cristobal, Venezuela)

Pulido, A., Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2012) "Classification of Alzheimer´s Diseasse using regional Saliency Maps from Brain MR Images". 8th International Seminar on Medical Image Processing and Analysis -SIPAIM. San Cristobal, Venezuela.

Baquero, K., Gomez, F., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Demertzi, A., Tshibanda, L., Gosseries, O., Noirhomme, Q., Laureys, S., Romero, E. & o, (2012) "An index for large head motion on resting state fMRI". Human Brain Mapping. (Beijing, China)

A motion descriptor based on statistics of optical flow orientations for action classification in video-surveillance. Fabio Martínez, Antoine Manzanera, Eduardo Romero. International Conference on Multimedia and Signal Processing (CMSP’12). Shangai-China.

Nelson, V., Andrea, R., Cristina, S. & Eduardo, R. (2012) "Estimación por máxima verosimilitud para super-resolución en imágenes de resonancia magnética cardíaca". VIII Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Análisis de Información Médica SIPAIM 2012. San Cristobal Venezuela

Rueda, A., Arevalo, J., Cruz, A., Romero, E. & Gonzalez, F.A. (2012) "Bag of Features for Automatic Classification of Alzheimer´s Disease in Magnetic Resonance Images". Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition. (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Vargas, C., Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2012) "Image Super-Resolution of Cytology Images Using Multi-scale Patch Search and Global Statistical Measurements". 8th International Seminar on Medical Information Processing and Analysis. (San Cristobal, Venezuela)

RICARDO GUTIÉRREZ, EDUARDO ROMERO, "A visual model approach to extract regions of interest in microscopical images of basal cell carcinoma". 11th European congress on Telepathology and 5th Internatioal Congress on Virtual Microscopy, Italy, 2012.

Cifuentes, C., Martinez, F. & Romero, E. (2012) "A 3D Physics-based model to simulate normal and pathological gait patterns". 7th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imagin and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - VISIGRAPP 2012. Roma, Italia.

Juan León, Fabio Martínez, Eduardo Romero. A Robust Background subtraction Algorithm Using The Σ-∆ Estimation, 7th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2012). Roma Italia. Febrero 2012.

Fabio Martinez, O.A. (2012) "Segmentation of pelvic structures from planning CT based on a statistical shape model with a multiscale edge detector and geometrical likelihood measures". MICCAI. Image- Guidance and Multimodal Dose Planning in Radiation Therapy. Nice, France

Cifuentes, C., Vargas, C., Sanchez, C., Leon, J., Martinez, F. & Romero, E. (2012) "Sistema de monitoreo remoto de pacientes en estado crítico utilizando la infraestructura de telecomunicaciones existente en Colombia". 8th International Seminar on Medical Image Processing and Analysis - SIPAIM. San Cristóbal, Venezuela.

Romo, D., Romero, E. & González, F. (2011) "Learning regions of interest from low level maps in virtual microscopy". Proceedings of the 10th European Congress on Telepathology and 4th International Congress on Virtual Microscopy. Diagnostic Pathology, vol 6, pp http://www.diag

Alexander Pinzon, E.R. (2011) "Software para la Extraccion del Esqueleto por Contraccion y Suavizado". Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Informacion Medica SIPAIM 2011

Baquero, K., Gómez, F., Soddu, A., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Demertzi, A., Tshibanda, J.F., Gosseries, O., Noirhomme, Q. & Laureys, (2011) "A Multi-Scale Analysis to set the Default Mode Network in noisy fMRI data". Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: BC11 : Computational Neuroscience & Neurotechnology Bernstein Conference & Neurex Annual Meeting 2011. (Freiburg, Germany)

Characterization of Motion Cardiac Patterns in Magnetic Resonance Cine. International conference on Image Information Processing.Fabio Martínez, Antoine Manzanera, Cristina Santa Marta, Eduardo Romero. INDIA (2011).

Narvaez, F., Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2011) "Breast masses classification using a sparse representation". Workshop in Medical Image Analysis and Description for Diagnosis Systems. (Rome, Italy)

Cesar Sanchez and Eduardo Romero. A distributed architecture for a loosely coupled virtual microscopy system. SPIE Medical Imaging Conference. Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, USA. February 2011.

Tatiana Noreña, Marcela Iregui, Eduardo Romero and Jorge Victorino. Efficient access to compressed 3D and 4D MRI using JPEG2000. SPIE Medical Imaging Conference. Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, USA. February 2011.

Gómez F., Soddu A., Phillips C., Boly M., Vanhaudenhuyse A., Boveroux P., Lauwick S., Romero E., Laureys S. and Noirhomme Q. Changes in Effective Connectivity during Propofol Sedation. Human Brain Mapping 2011.

Angel Cruz-Roa, Gloria Díaz, Eduardo Romero, Fabio Gonzalez. Automatic Annotation of Histopathological Images Using a Latent Topic Model Based On Non-negative Matrix Factorization. MICCAI 2011- Histopathology Image Analysis Workshop. September 18-22 2011.

Caicedo Juan C., Vanegas Jorge, Gonzalez Fabio, Romero Eduardo. Histology Image Indexing using a Non-negative Semantic Embedding. MCBR-CDS 2011-Medical Content-based Retrieval for Clinical Decision Support.

Alexander Pinzon, E.R. (2010) "Analisis Experimental de la Extraccion del Esqueleto por Contraccion con Suavizado Laplaciano". Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Medicas SIPAIM 2010

Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2010) "Super-Resolution of Brain MR Images based on Sparse Representations". Interdisciplinary Workshop on Sparsity and Modern Mathematical Methods for High Dimensional Data. (Brussels, Belgium)

Norberto Malpica, Gloria Díaz, Gonzalo Pajares, Juan Alvarez-Linera, Eduardo Romero, Juan Antonio Hernandez-Tamames, and Eva Lopez. The Effect of the Normalization Strategy on Voxel-Based Analysis of DTI Images: a Pattern Recognition Based Assessment.International Conference on Brain Informatics, Toronto, 28-30 august 2010. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 6334 pp. 78-88, 2010 ISSSN:0302-9743

Gloria Díaz and Eduardo Romero. Histopathological Image Classification Using Stain Component Features on a pLSA Model.Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition 2010. Sao Paulo, Brasil.

Fabio Martínez, Juan León, Eduardo Romero. Pathology Classification of Gait Human Gestures. 6th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Algarve Portugal. Enero 2011

Vargas, C. & Romero, E. (2010) "Prototipo para robotizar microscopio para paí­ses en vía de desarrollo". CASEIB. (Madrid, España)

Rueda, A., Acosta, O., Bourgeat, P., Fripp, J., Bonner, E., Dowson, N., Couprie, M., Romero, E. & Salvado, O. (2009) "Partial volume estimation of brain cortex from MRI using topology-corrected segmentation". Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium onBiomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro. (Boston, MA, USA), pp 133-136

Francisco Gómez, Julio Villalón, Ricardo Gutiérrez, Eduardo Romero. Finding Regions of Interest in Pathological images: an attentional model approach. SPIE Medical Images, Proceedings of SPIE Volume 7260. 7 - 12 February 2009 USA.

Gloria Díaz, Eduardo Romero, Norberto Malpica. Recognition and Quantification of Area Damaged by Oligonychus perseae in Avocado Leaves. Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2009.

Gloria Díaz, Eduardo Romero, Norberto Malpica. Recognition and Quantification of Area Damaged by Oligonychus perseae in Avocado Leaves. 14th Iberoamerican Conference on Pattern Recognition. November 2009. Proceedings published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science" (LNCS) series, Springer Verlang, Vol 5856 pp 677-684 2009. (Revista indexada C).

Jorge Camargo, Juan Carlos Caicedo, Ángel Cruz, Clara Spinel, Eduardo Romero, Fabio Gonzalez. "A Web-Based System for Biomedical Image Storage, Annotation, Content-Based Retrieval and Exploration". Microsoft eScience Workshop 2009.

Jorge Camargo, Juan Carlos Caicedo, Ángel Cruz, Clara Spinel, Eduardo Romero, Fabio Gonzalez. "A Web-Based System for Biomedical Image Storage, Annotation, Content-Based Retrieval and Exploration". Microsoft eScience Workshop 2009.

Francisco Gómez, Eduardo Romero. "Texture Characterization Using a Curvelet Based Descriptor". CIARP '09: Proceedings of the 14th Iberoamerican Conference on Pattern Recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5856. pgs 113--120 (2009).

Caicedo Juan C., Gonzalez Fabio, Romero Eduardo. A Semantic Content-Based Retrieval Method for Histopathology Images. Asia Information Retrieval Symposium 2008. Harbin China.

Gomez Francisco, Iregui Marcela, Romero Eduardo. Prediction of Pathologist Navigation Patterns In Virtual Microscopy Based on a Soft-Computing Approach. Third IASTED International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Innsbruck, Mars 17-19, 2008. Proceedings Pag 150 -155

Espitia Alfredo, Ortega Karen, Jaramillo Ivan, Romero Eduardo. Authentication and Digital Signature USB Device for Telemedicine Applications. 7th International Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems. ICCDCS 2008 - CancÁºn, México.

Salamanca Alexander, Rojas F., Romero T., Romero E. A Flexible OLAP Query Model for a Telemedicine System. Accepted in EATIS 2008 - Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, ACM-DL Proceedings and The ACM Digital Library (ACM-DL).

César Sanchez, Edwin Triana, Eduardo Romero: A flexible web oriented Telehealth platform using a RIM-HL7 Based Model. Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, EATIS 2008.

Rueda, A., Perea, A., Rodriguez-Perez, D. & Romero, E. (2007) "A fast mesh deformation method for neuroanatomical surface inflated representations". IEEE Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology. (Santiago de Chile, Chile), pp 75-86

Caicedo Juan Carlos, Gonzalez Fabio, Romero Eduardo. Evaluación de Características de Bajo Nivel para Recuperación de Imagenes de Histología por Contenido. II Congreso Colombiano de Computación. Universidad Javieriana, Abril 2007.

Charalambos Jean Pierre, Bittner Jiri, Romero Eduardo and Wimmer Michael, Optimized HLOD Refinement Driven by Hardware Occlusion Queries, 3rd International Symposium on Visual Computing. Septiembre 2007

Mañana Gabriel, Gonzalez Fabio, Romero Eduardo. A Grid Computing Approach to Subtraction Radiography. International Conference on Image Processing ICIP2006, Atlanta USA. 2006

Vargas, C. & Romero, E. (2006) "A low cost and efficient prototype of a motorized microscope". Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference

Mañana Gabriel, Gonzalez Fabio and Romero Eduardo, Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Subtraction Radiography. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference MedGEC2005. ISBN number 1-59593-097-3. Washington DC USA June 25 - 29 2005

Amezquita R., Sarmiento WJ and Romero Eduardo, Development of an automatic algorithm for scoliosis detection using Moiré topography. III Iberian Latin American and Caribbean congress of Medical Physics, ALFIM2004. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2004.

Romero Eduardo, Sarmiento WJ and Lozano Alfonso, An automatic algorithm for geometric correction in subtraction radiography. IEEE International Workshop on BioMedical Circuits & Systems , 2004, Singapure

Sarmiento WJ, Lozano Alfonso, and Romero Eduardo Cardiac tissue segmentation in ultrasound images using histogram of absolute differences. IEEE International Workshop on BioMedical Circuits & Systems , 2004, Singapure

Alvarez R., Romero Eduardo, Sarmiento WJ ET AL, Colombian Telemedicne: a social network. III Latin American congress on Biomedical Engineering, CLAEB2004 Joao Pessoa, Brazil 2004.

Sarmiento W.J., Romero Eduardo and A. Restrepo , Colour Estimation in images from thick Blood Films for the Automatic Detection of Malaria. IX Simposio de Tratamiento de Señales, Imagenes y Visión Artificial. 2004

Romero Eduardo. and Sarmiento WJ. Automatic detection of malaria parasites in thick blood films stained with Haematoxylin-Eosin. III Iberian Latin American and Caribbean congress of Medical Physics, ALFIM2004. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2004.

Mñoz J., Romero Eduardo, De Haro C., Mas R.,:Neuroelectronic interfaces. Implantable flexible microelectrodes. Workshop Neuroprothesis for rehabilitation. 12-13 June. Barcelona, Spain 2003.

Romero Eduardo, Cuisenaire O., Geers C., Marbaix E., and Moulin P.: Semi-automatic approaches for measurement of gland volume density in human endometry. EMBEC02 2 nd European & Biological Engineering Conference. 4-8 December. Vienna, Austria 2002.

Romero Eduardo, Cuisenaire O., Moulin P., and Macq B.: A semi-automatic approach to measuring Pancreatic endocrine volume tissue density. MCTE2002 conference IEEE-EMBS Special Topic Conference on Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Engineering, pp 176. 6-9 June. Genoa, Italy 2002.

Noirhomme Q., Romero Eduardo, Cuisenaire O, Ferrant M., Vandermeeren Y., Olivier E. and Macq B.: Registration of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, a visualization tool for brain functions. DSP 14 th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing. 1-3 July, Santorini, Greece 2001.

Romero Eduardo, Raymackers J.M., Macq B., Cuisenaire O. : Automatic fibrosis quantification by using a k-NN classificator, presented at EMBC2001 23 rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medecine and Biology Society, pp 149. 25-28 October Istambul, turkey 2001.

Parrini S., Romero Eduardo, De Hemptinne R., Juaristi E., Delbeke J., Veraat C. and Legat V. : A mixed Fourier-Finite Elements 3D Approximation for Neural Fiber Activation, presented at the 18th Annual International Confe­rence of the IEEE En­gineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Amsterdam, The Netherland, 1996, 2 pp.

Veraat C., Nouhi N., Romero Eduardo, Lebacq J., Berquin A., Vanwijck R., and Dion R. Muscle conditioning using the spiral cuff neural electrode, Proceedings of the First Annual Conference of he International. Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, May 14-16, 1996.

Predicting Complex Patterns of Human Movements Using Bayesian Online Learning in Medical Imaging Applications. Biomedical Image Analysis and Machine Learning Technologies: Applications and Techniques (ISBN: 1605669563). Francisco Gómez, Fabio Martinez, Eduardo Romero, (2009).

Mañana, G., Gonzalez, F., and Romero, E. Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Subtraction Radiography. Computational Intelligence in Expensive Optimization Problems, Springer Edited Volume. 2009.

Francisco Gómez, Fabio Martinez, Eduardo Romero. Predicting Complex Patterns of Human Movements Using Bayesian Online Learning in Medical Imaging Applications. Biomedical Image Analysis and Machine Learning Technologies: Applications and Techniques. Edited by Eduardo Romero and Fabio Gonzalez. 2009. ISBN: 1605669563.

Gónzalez, F., and Romero, E. From Biomedical Image Analysis to Biomedical Image Understanding Using Machine Learding. Biomedical Image Analysis and Machine Learning Technologies: Applications and Techniques. Edited by Eduardo Romero and Fabio Gonzalez. 2009. ISBN: 1605669563.

Gónzalez, F., and Romero, E. Biomedical Image Analysis and Machine Learning Technologies: Applications and Techniques. Medical Information Science Reference - IGI Global; 1 edition. December 9, 2009. ISBN:1605669563.

Caicedo Juan Carlos, Gonzalez Fabio, Romero Eduardo. Recuperación de Imagenes Médicas por Contenido: Arquitectura, técnicas y aproximaciones. Tendencias en Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial. Julio 2007. ISBN: 978-958-44-1344-4

Romero Eduardo, Gonzalez Fabio and Iregui Marcela, Virtual Microscopy in Medical Images: a Survey, in Mendez-Vilas A. Diaz J. (eds.) Modern Research and Educational Topics in Microscopy, Formatex, 2007. ISBN 978-84-611-9420-9- pags. 996-1006.

Kiefer S., Rohm K., Valderrama A., Valderrama A., Yunda L., Lozano Alfonso and Romero Eduardo, Experiencias Internacionais em TelessaÁºde do Projeto @LIS: Telemedicina para regioes, rurais remotas da Colombia. TelessaÁºde: Um Instrumento de Suporte Assistencial e EducacÁ£o Permanente 2006. ISBN: 85-7041-582-6

Tatiana, N. & Romero, E. (2013) "Compresión en imágenes médicas: Una revisión". Biomédica, vol 33, pp 137-51

Rueda, A., Gonzalez, F.A. & Romero, E. (2013) "Saliency-Based Characterization of Group Differences for Magnetic Resonance Disease Classification". Revista DYNA, vol 178

Lasso, C., Vargas, C.R. & Romero, E. (2012) "Sistema Modular De Telepatologí­a Para La Exploración Remota De Placas Histopatológicas Sobre La Red Renata". e-colabora. (Bogotá, Colombia)

Diana Marín, Eduardo Romero. Sistemas de Microscopía Virtual: Analisis y Perspectivas. Revista Biomédica del Instituto Nacional de Salud. Bogota, 2011;31(1).

Desarrollo de un laboratorio de Marcha con Integración Sincrónica mediante una arquitectura en modulos. Fabio Martínez, Francisco Gómez, Eduardo Romero. Acta Biológica Colombiana. Vol. 15 No. 10, (2010).

Martinez Carrillo Fabio , Gomez Jaramillo Francisco , Romero Eduardo. Desarrollo de un Laboratorio de Marcha con Integración Sincrónica mediante una Arquitectura en Módulos. Acta Biológica Colombiana. Vol 15, No 3 (2010). ISSN: 1900-1649.

Tibamoso, G., Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2010) "Segmentacion Semiautomatica del Volumen del Higado en Imagenes de Tomografia Computarizada". Acta Biologica Colombiana, vol 15(3)

Diaz Gloria, Romero Eduardo, Hernandez-Tamames Juan Antonio, Molina Vicente, Malpica Norberto. Automatic Classification of Structural MRI for Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases. Acta Biológica Colombiana. Vol 15, No 3 (2010). ISSN: 1900-1649.

Cifuentes, C., Martinez, F. & Romero, E. (2010) "Análisis teórico y computacional de la marcha normal y patológica: Una revisión". Revista Med., vol 18, pp 182 - 196.

Eduardo Romero, Francisco Gómez, Fabio Martínez. Analisis de Video para Estimación del Movimiento Humano: una Revisión. Revista MED Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, ISSN: 0121-5256, Vol 17 No.1, pag 95-106, Bogota Junio 2009.

Gloria Díaz, Eduardo Romero, Juan Antonio Hernandez-Tamames, Norberto Malpica. Automatic Classi cation of Structural MRI for Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases. V Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Médicas. Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, 26 y 27 de noviembre de 2009.

Mañana Gabriel, Eduardo Romero y Forero Martha Elena. Método Automaico de Registro para la Evaluación de la Mineralización óea PostquirÁºgica. Revista MED, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Vol 15 No.2 2007.

Caicedo Juan Carlos, Gonzalez Fabio, Romero Eduardo. Prototipo de Sistema para Almacenamiento y Recuperación por Contenido en Imagenes Médicas de Histopatología Encuentro de Investigación en Posgrados. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Marzo 2007. - PREMIO MEJOR POSTER

Gloria Díaz, Fabio Gonzalez y Eduardo Romero. Cuantificación Automatica de Células en Imagenes de Cultivo in Vitro de Plasmodium falciparum. Encuentro Nacional de la Investigación en Postgrados, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 22 y 23 de marzo de 2007. -PREMIO MEJOR ARTICULO.

Gloria Díaz, Fabio Gonzalez y Eduardo Romero. Cuantificación Automatica de Células en Imagenes de Cultivo in Vitro de Plasmodium falciparum. Encuentro Nacional de la Investigación en Postgrados, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 22 y 23 de marzo de 2007. -PREMIO MEJOR ARTICULO.

Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2007) "Morfometria de Superficies Complejas Usando Deformaciones no-Parametricas". Revista MED, vol 15(1), pp 110-121

Carlos Mosquera, Fabio Martínez, Oscar Acosta, Renaud de Crevoisier, Eduardo Romero. Prostate Localization Using a Probabilistic Model. SIPAIM: VII Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Médicas. Bucaramanga. Colombia (2011)

Nelson, V., Andrea, R. & Eduardo, R. (2011) "Combinación de proyecciones no ortogonales de imágenes de RM cardíaca". VII Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Análisis de Imágenes Médicas SIPAIM 2011, Bucaramanga Colombia.

Rueda, A., Baquero, K. & Romero, E. (2011) "Saliency-based Characterization of Group Differences for MR Disease Classification". VII Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Informacion Medica. (Bucaramanga, Colombia)

Juan León, Fabio Martínez, Eduardo Romero. A Comparison of Σ − ∆ Background Substraction Algorithms for Gait Analysis . VII Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Información Médica (SIPAIM) 2011, Bucaramanga Colombia. Diciembre 2011

Tarquino, J., Morales, J., Cifuentes, C. & Romero, E. (2011) "Método experimental de excitación de cristales piezoeléctricos para sondas de ecografía". 7mo Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Análisis de Información Médica -SIPAIM 2011 (Bucaramanga, Colombia)

Cifuentes, C., Martinez, F. & Romero, E. (2011) "Physics-based model to simulate the parkinsonian gait". 7th International Seminar on Medical Image Processing and Analysis - SIPAIM 2011. Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Juan Carlos León, Fabio Martínez, Eduardo Romero. Classification of Pathological Gait Markerless Pattern. SIPAIM: VI Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Médicas. Bogota. Colombia (2010).

Rueda, A., Diaz, G. & Romero, E. (2010) "Learning compact dictionaries for brain MR image super-resolution". VI Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Medicas. (Bogota, Colombia)

Fabio Martínez, Juan León, Eduardo Romero. Classification of Pathological Gait Markerless Patterns. VI Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Médicas (SIPAIM). Bogota Colombia .Diciembre 2010

Pinzon, A., Leon, J. & Romero, E. (2009) "Diseño y desarrollo de una aplicacion web para la visualizacion eficiente de imagenes medicas, con procesamiento 3D por software o por hardware". Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Medicas SIPAIM 2009

Computational Method for Tracking the Body Center of Mass(CoM) during the Gait: A Bayesian Approach. Fabio Martínez, Francisco Gómez, Eduardo Romero.En: SIB-SIPAIM: V Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Médicas 2009.

Fabio A. Gonzalez, Juan C. Caicedo, Jorge E. Camargo, Angel Cruz, Clara Spinel, Eduardo Romero. "Sistema para Acceder una Colección de Imagenes Biomédicas Mediante Estrategias Basadas En el Contenido". Quinto eminario Internacional de Ingeniería Biomédica (SIB) y V Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Médicas (SIPAIM). Universidad de los Andes, Bogota. Noviembre 26-27 (2009).

Tibamoso, G., Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2009) "Segmentacion Semiautomatica del Volumen del Higado en Imagenes de TAC". Quinto Seminario de Ingenieria Biomedica y Quinto Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Medicas. (Bogota, Colombia)

Alejandro Riveros, Angel Cruz-Roa, Juan C. Caicedo, Fabio Gonzalez, Eduardo Romero. "Anonimización Automatica de Imagenes y Datos Personales En Historias Clínicas de Dermatología". Quinto eminario Internacional de Ingeniería Biomédica (SIB) y V Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Ana¡lisis de Imagenes Médicas (SIPAIM). Universidad de los Andes, Bogota. Noviembre 26-27 (2009).

Gloria Díaz, Eduardo Romero, Juan Antonio Hernandez-Tamames, Norberto Malpica. Automatic Classification of Structural MRI for Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases. V Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Médicas. Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, 26 y 27 de noviembre de 2009.

Alexander Pinzón, Juan León, Eduardo Romero. Desarrollo de una aplicación web para la visualización de imagenes médicas, con procesamiento 3D por software o por hardware. V Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Médica (SIPAIM), Bogota Colombia, Noviembre 2009

Alexander Pinzon, E.R. (2008) "Visualizacion 3D de imagenes medicas: una herramienta Open Source". En Seminario Internacional de Procesamiento y Analisis de Imagenes Medicas SIPAIM 2008

Arquitectura Modular para Laboratorios Clínicos de Marcha. Fabio Martínez, Francisco Gómez, Eduardo Romero. III Congreso de BioIngeniería e Ingeniería BIomédica. Pereira. Colombia.(2008)

Caicedo Juan Carlos, Gonzalez Fabio, Romero Eduardo. Evaluación de Características de Bajo Nivel para Recuperación de Imagenes de Histología por Contenido. II Congreso Colombiano de Computación. Universidad Javieriana, Abril 2007

Rueda, A., Perea, A., Rodriguez-Perez, D. & Romero, E. (2007) "Metodo de Deformacion para Representaciones Suavizadas de Superficies Neuroanatomicas". Cuarto Seminario de Ingenieria Biomedica. (Bogota, Colombia)

Sanchez, C., Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2007) "A Granular Prototype for Telemedicine Based on HL7 Information Model". II Congreso Colombiano de Computacion. (Bogota, Colombia)

Sarmiento W.J., Romero Eduardo and Restrepo A. , Colour Estimation in images from thick Blood Films for the Automatic Detection of Malaria. IX Simposio de Tratamiento de Señales, Imagenes y Visión Artificial. 2004

Vargas, C. & Romero, E. (2008) "Dispositivo Para Controlar La Platina De Un Microscopio Con La Ayuda De Un Computador". SIC. (Bogotá, Colombia)

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Pineda, G., Romero, E. & Iregui, M. (2017) "Auditory Feedback Prototype for gait rehabilitation in Parkinson´s Disease". Bogotá

Lina Guzmán, E.R. (2017) "Improving Interaction With Large Medical Image Collections". Bogotá

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Celis, R. & Romero, E. (2017) "Automatic Mitosis Counting in H&E stained Breast Cancer Histopathology Images ". -

Lozano, J.C. & Romero, E. (2016) "Pose temporal estimation in markerless normal human gait integrating kinematic patterns and segmented video". Bogotá

Alvarez, J. & Romero, E. (2016) "Characterization of Architectural Distortion in Mammograms". Bogotá

Vargas, C. & Romero, E. (2016) "Compresión de vídeo en telepatología usando compresing sensing". Bogotá

Cárdenas, L.F. & Romero, E. (2015) "Quantification of motor patterns in parkinsonian gait". Bogotá

Sarmiento, F.C. & Romero, E. (2015) "Automatic Characterization Of The Parkinson Disease By Cassifyng The Kinematic Gait Patterns". Bogotá

Trujillo, D. & Romero, E. (2015) "Eye Movement Characterization During Gait For Parkinson´s Disease Recognition". Bogotá

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Sánchez, C. & Romero, E. (2011) "Almacenamiento y procesamiento en paralelo de mega-imágenes comprimidas en JPEG2000".

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Rueda, A. & Romero, E. (2008) "Deformaciones no Paramétricas 3D Aplicadas a la Morfometría de Estructuras Anatómicas".

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